7 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Implementation of Distance Remote Access to Learning in Russian Universities

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    The purpose of the study is to identify the characteristics of implementation of remote access to learning at university basing on distance learning technology. The basic methods for the relevant problem studying are pedagogical experiment, expert assessment methods, and statistical processing of quantitative results of the research. The experiment involves the students and professors of the Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University (NEFU), the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (RSPU) and Chelyabinsk State University (CSU). The promising areas of distance learning and its effectiveness have been analyzed and generalized. In addition, factors and conditions for providing quick access to the Internet for the educational process have been identified. The substantive aspect of the implementation of remote access to learning in terms of the Major Professional Educational Programs (MPEP) in the field of Pedagogical Education is examined in order to identify their relevance to the distance learning implementation at university. The most widespread digital services have been studied in addition to their effectiveness for the development of training materials that provide educational opportunities of distance learning in terms of the implementation of remote access to learning. The significance of the implementation of distance remote learning for future teachers training at universities is determined. The results of the study prove the necessity to develop educational and methodological materials for the implementation of new form of training in NEFU, RSPU and CSU

    Развитие математических моделей пластических сред для ресурсосберегающих технологий металлических систем

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    The development of technology puts forward more complex problems, the effective solutionof which is associated with the refinement of mathematical models of the studied plastic formingprocesses of metal systems (metals, steels, non-ferrous alloys) of various chemical compositionsand production technologies (traditional ingot processing, powder production, nanostructuredmaterials). To build a solution, the integration of differential equations to describe the physicalprocesses occurring during plastic flow or a variation approach based on the construction ofthe original functional is used, but in either case the accuracy of the mathematical modellingof the process will depend on the accepted mathematical model of the medium. The paperdiscusses the development stages of different models of plastic media, from a simple rigidplasticmodel, without taking into account the change in the material properties, to morecomplex ones - a viscoplastic model that regards the appearance of viscosity with increasingprocessing temperature and a dilating model that allows to take into consideration changes inmaterial density and thereby predict strain destruction. The correct use of mathematical modelsof plastic media makes it possible to improve the accuracy of technological regimes calculation,thereby reducing the time to develop the new product, and can be used for the developmentof technological processes for obtaining products by means of the additive technology basedon laser sintering and fusing the powder alloys, thermoplastic processing technologies andprocesses of thermochemical hardening and heat treatment of metallic systems of differentchemical compositions.Развитие техники выдвигает более сложные задачи, эффективное решение которыхсвязано с уточнением математических моделей изучаемых процессов пластического формоизменения металлических систем (металлов, сталей, цветных сплавов) различных химических составов и технологий получения (традиционный слитковый передел, порошковое производство, наноструктурные материалы). Для построения решения используется интегрирование дифференциальных уравнений, описывающих физические процессы, происходящие при пластическом течении или вариационный подход, основанный на построении исходного функционала, но в том и другом случае точность математического моделирования процесса будет зависеть от принятой математической модели среды. В работе рассмотрены этапы развития различных моделей пластических сред, от простейшей жесткопластической модели, не учитывающей изменение свойств материала, к более сложным – вязко пластической модели, учитывающей появление вязкости при повышении температуры обработки и дилатирующей модели, которая позволяет учитывать изменение плотности материала и тем самым прогнозировать деформационное разрушение. Правильное использование математических моделей пластических сред дает возможность повысить точность расчета технологических режимов, сокращая тем самым время на освоение выпуска новой продукции и может быть применено для разработки технологических процессов получения изделий методами аддитивных технологий на основе лазерного спекания и сплавленияпорошковых сплавов, технологий термопластической обработки и процессов упрочняющейхимико-термической и термической обработок металлических систем различных химических составов

    Characteristics of Implementation of Distance Remote Access to Learning in Russian Universities

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    The purpose of the study is to identify the characteristics of implementation of remote access to learning at university basing on distance learning technology. The basic methods for the relevant problem studying are pedagogical experiment, expert assessment methods, and statistical processing of quantitative results of the research. The experiment involves the students and professors of the Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University (NEFU), the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (RSPU) and Chelyabinsk State University (CSU). The promising areas of distance learning and its effectiveness have been analyzed and generalized. In addition, factors and conditions for providing quick access to the Internet for the educational process have been identified. The substantive aspect of the implementation of remote access to learning in terms of the Major Professional Educational Programs (MPEP) in the field of Pedagogical Education is examined in order to identify their relevance to the distance learning implementation at university. The most widespread digital services have been studied in addition to their effectiveness for the development of training materials that provide educational opportunities of distance learning in terms of the implementation of remote access to learning. The significance of the implementation of distance remote learning for future teachers training at universities is determined. The results of the study prove the necessity to develop educational and methodological materials for the implementation of new form of training in NEFU, RSPU and CSU.El propósito del estudio es identificar las características de la implementación del acceso a distancia al aprendizaje en la universidad basándose en la tecnología de la enseñanza a distancia. Los métodos básicos para el estudio del problema pertinente son el experimento pedagógico, los métodos de evaluación por expertos y el procesamiento estadístico de los resultados cuantitativos de la investigación. En el experimento participan los estudiantes y profesores de la Universidad Federal Nororiental de Ammosov (NEFU), la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal de Herzen de Rusia (RSPU) y la Universidad Estatal de Chelyabinsk (CSU). Se han analizado y generalizado las esferas prometedoras de la enseñanza a distancia y su eficacia. Además, se han identificado los factores y las condiciones para proporcionar un acceso rápido a la Internet para el proceso educativo. Se examina el aspecto sustantivo de la puesta en práctica del acceso a distancia al aprendizaje en lo que respecta a los Programas Principales de Educación Profesional (MPEP) en la esfera de la educación pedagógica, a fin de determinar su pertinencia para la puesta en práctica de la enseñanza a distancia en la universidad. Se han estudiado los servicios digitales más difundidos, además de su eficacia para la elaboración de materiales de capacitación que ofrezcan oportunidades educativas de aprendizaje a distancia en lo que respecta a la aplicación del acceso a distancia al aprendizaje. Se determina la importancia de la aplicación de la enseñanza a distancia para la formación de futuros profesores en las universidades. Los resultados del estudio demuestran la necesidad de elaborar materiales educativos y metodológicos para la aplicación de una nueva forma de capacitación en la NEFU, la RSPU y la CSU

    The problem of increasing the efficiency of computer adaptive testing for students in higher educational establishments

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    The development of adaptive tests is based on taking into account the predominant individual characteristics of students, that is the style characteristics of cognitive activity, making it possible to increase the effectiveness of tests, make them more attractive, and ultimately contribute to more effective learning. In this context, the paper presents the results of a study on the effectiveness of students' adaptive computer tests based on the consideration of the stylistic characteristics of their cognitive activity. Based on computer science and programming, variations of test items were developed and offered to undergraduate and graduate students at Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia and ITMO University Saint-Petersburg. In the course of the study, it was revealed that since the adaptive test passing scores showed a stable improvement, the desirability and possibility of constructing tests based on the consideration of stylistic features of students' cognitive activity was experimentally proven. Similarly, the hypothesis about the effectiveness of using adaptive test questions in comparison with other types of questions was proven.O desenvolvimento de testes adaptativos baseia-se em levar em conta as características individuais predominantes dos estudantes, ou seja, as características de estilo da atividade cognitiva, tornando possível aumentar a eficácia dos testes, torná-los mais atraentes e, finalmente, contribuir para um aprendizado mais eficaz. Neste contexto, o artigo apresenta os resultados de um estudo sobre a eficácia dos testes adaptativos de computador dos estudantes, baseado na consideração das características estilísticas de sua atividade cognitiva. Com base em informática e programação, foram desenvolvidas variações de itens de teste, as quais foram oferecidas a estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação da Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia and ITMO University Saint-Petersburg. No decorrer do estudo, foi revelado que, como o resultado da aprovação nos testes adaptativos demonstraram uma melhora estável, a conveniência e a possibilidade de construir testes baseados na consideração das características estilísticas da atividade cognitiva dos estudantes foi comprovada experimentalmente. Da mesma forma, comprovou-se a hipótese sobre a eficácia do uso de questões do teste adaptativo em comparação com outros tipos de questõesEl desarrollo de pruebas adaptativas se basa en tener en cuenta las características individuales predominantes de los alumnos, es decir, las características de estilo de la actividad cognitiva, lo que permite aumentar la eficacia de las pruebas, hacerlas más atractivas y, en definitiva, contribuir a un aprendizaje más eficaz. En este contexto, el artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio sobre la eficacia de las pruebas adaptativas por ordenador de los alumnos basado en la consideración de las características estilísticas de su actividad cognitiva. Sobre la base de la informática y la programación, se desarrollaron variaciones de los ítems de la prueba y se ofrecieron a los estudiantes de grado y posgrado de la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal de Herzen de Rusia y de la Universidad ITMO de San Petersburgo. En el transcurso del estudio se puso de manifiesto que, dado que los resultados de la superación de las pruebas adaptativas mostraban una mejora estable, se comprobó experimentalmente la conveniencia y la posibilidad de construir pruebas basadas en la consideración de las características estilísticas de la actividad cognitiva de los alumnos. Asimismo, se comprobó la hipótesis sobre la eficacia del uso de las preguntas del test adaptativo en comparación con otros tipos de preguntas